Our hearts go out to the Royal Family, the Royal Household, and all the people whose lives have been touched by Her Majesty the Queen. May she rest in peace.
We have lost a leader who has been present for most of the lives of the country, and the nation's favourite grandparent.
As we grieve together in the coming days and weeks, we will remember her with gratitude for the life of service she promised, her devotion, and for her guiding light through many decades of change during her reign. She was our rock.
Even though we can rationalise the Queen was 96 and was very old, her death has still come as a shock for many, especially after seeing her beaming smile a matter of days ago as she invited Liz Truss to be her next Prime Minister.
It is a normal reaction to loss to feel sad and to cry for someone who many of us didn't have the pleasure of meeting, but felt close to her through her life in public service.
As the news sinks in, this is a time to come together, to listen to one another, to support each other. We are here to listen, too. This is a space where you are welcome to share your feelings and your memories.
With gentle hugs,
The Grief Specialists Team